Javascript code used for interactive map project.
var img;
var numberOfYears = 6;
var loaded = 0;
var slider;
var year = 2010;
function preload() {
img = loadImage('map.png');
function setup(){
createCanvas(1800, 1000);
image(img, 100, 100, 2200, 1400);
slider = createSlider(2010, 2015, 2010, 1);
slider.position(400, 740);'width', '700px');
$.ajax({url: "",
//if OECD is down, uncomment line 25
//url: "OECDdata.json",
dataType: "json",
success: function(parsed_json) {
for(i=0; i<countries.length; i++){
for(y=0; y<numberOfYears; y++){
var countryNumber = countries[i].index;
//gets female data
var value = parsed_json['dataSets'][0]['series'][ countryNumber + ':1:0:0:0:0']['observations'][y][0];
//gets male data
value = parsed_json['dataSets'][0]['series'][ countryNumber + ':2:0:0:0:0']['observations'][y][0];
loaded =1;
function country (countryName, countryAbv, index, x, y){
this.countryName= countryName;
this.countryAbv = countryAbv;
this.index = index;
this.x= x;
this.y= y;
this.femaleData = new Array;
this.maleData = new Array;
var countries= new Array;
countries.push(new country('Australia', 'AUS', 0, 1170, 590));
countries.push(new country('Canada', 'CAN', 1, 280, 270));
countries.push(new country('Denmark', 'DNK', 2, 710, 260));
countries.push(new country('Finland', 'FIN', 3, 760, 230));
countries.push(new country('Germany', 'DEU', 4, 730, 300));
countries.push(new country('Hungary', 'HUN', 5, 770, 310));
countries.push(new country('Mexico', 'MEX', 6, 280, 400));
countries.push(new country('Netherland', 'NLD', 7, 690, 290));
countries.push(new country('New Zealand', 'NZL', 8, 1310, 660));
countries.push(new country('Turkey', 'TUR', 9, 820, 340));
countries.push(new country('UK', 'GBR', 10, 630, 270));
countries.push(new country('USA', 'USA', 11, 290, 330));
countries.push(new country('Israel', 'ISR', 12, 800, 385));
countries.push(new country('Lithuania', 'LTU', 13, 750, 2500));
countries.push(new country('Russia', 'RUS', 14, 1000, 240));
function getCountryInfo(item, index){
var yearIndex = year - 2010;
//sets auto diameter if data isn't retrieved
var fDiameter = 100;
var mDiameter = 50;
//if size adjusted by % rather than #
//var fDiameter = 100 * (item.femaleData[yearIndex] / (item.femaleData[yearIndex]+ item.maleData[yearIndex]));
//var mDiameter = 100 * (item.maleData[yearIndex] / (item.femaleData[yearIndex]+ item.maleData[yearIndex]));
//changes diameter size
if (loaded==1){
fDiameter = Math.sqrt(item.femaleData[yearIndex]) / 10;
mDiameter = Math.sqrt(item.maleData[yearIndex]) / 10;
//the if statements make it so that the larger group is always behind the smaller group
if (fDiameter > mDiameter){
fill(255, 0, 0);
ellipse(item.x, item.y, fDiameter);
fill(0, 0, 255);
ellipse(item.x, item.y, mDiameter);
fill(0, 0, 255);
ellipse(item.x, item.y, mDiameter);
fill(255, 0, 0);
ellipse(item.x, item.y, fDiameter);
text(item.countryAbv, item.x - 15, item.y);
function draw(){
//clears screen every time slider is moved
image(img, 40, 80, 1350, 650);
//creates slider and writes the year on top of the slider
text (slider.value(), 700, 720);
year = slider.value();